Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The contents page (Questions)

Foundation Portfolio
The Contents Page
Answer the following questions on your blog:
What is the function of a contents page?
The purpose of a contents page is to give the reader an idea of other stories/ information within the magazine including the page numbers of which you can find that context on.
How does the reader use a contents page?
A contents page is found at the front of a magazine, preferably the page after the cover page, first they would look for the topic they want to read about and then look across the page to look for the page number that they would find it on e.g.
Harry Styles comments on the process of one direction       ................................................... page 23 
How much information does a contents page contain?
The contents page should only include relevant information which is the name of the topic and the page number needed. The contents page is not a place for articles or advertisement.
How are images used in a conventional contents page?
Images are often used to relate to the topic of the article. Often you will find a picture of the relevant topic and the page number will be at the bottom of that picture e.g

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